Submission Process
Paperwriting Instruction:
(language — english; format — PDF, docx):
- The report is limited to 8 pages;
- Paper format: А4;
- Document's orientation: portrait;
- Fields: up, left, right — 5 cm; down — 8 cm.
- Heading: capital letters, Times New Roman Bold, 10 pt; center alignment. Under the heading: author’s name and surname, scientific degree, honor, company name, contacts, phone, fax, e-mail.
- Text: Times New Roman Italic, 10 pt, right alignment;
- Sub-headings: lowercase letters, Times New Roman Bold, 10 pt., alignment-justified, no indent from the left and passes between the subheading and the main text;
- Main text font: Times New Roman, 10 pt. Alignment —1 interval spacing. First line indent — 0.5 cm;
- Illustration: built-in grouped graphic objects (1 figure).
Application form
Please submit your application forms for participation before 3 July 2017.
Please print your own contact details!
Applications without contact information will not be accepted.