Actual Problems of Systems and Software Engineering (APSSE-2021)
Conference schedule published
The APSPI 2021 conference will be held in the on-line format!
The conference is devoted to the analysis of the status, current trends, research issues and practical results obtained by national and foreign scientists and experts in the systems and software engineering area, as well as information and analytical systems development area using Big Data technologies.
Members: experts, students, postgraduates working in the area of ordering, designing, development, implementation, operation, and maintenance of information and analytical systems for various applications and their software, and also working on custom software development.
Speakers: leading national and foreign experts on fundamental aspects of the information technology development.
- Analysis of the state of systems and software engineering and systems based on Big Data Technologies;
- Current directions of development;
- Scientific problems and practical results obtained by domestic and foreign scientists and experts.
Section «Systems engineering»
- Architecture of Big Information Systems – problems and solutions in the systems area and methods for their development;
- Development of systems engineering methods and practices (including learning cyber physical systems);
- Track: Requirements engineering, system architecture-engineering, testing: experience and automation tools;
- Teaching of systems engineering and system thinking.
- Round table: Are methods of analysis, modeling, and design changing due to the increased use of Agile methodology?
Section «Software engineering»
- Methods, technologies and tools of life cycle automation software system, Pecularities of Application Types Development and Maintenance of different types of applications;
- Software Developers Team Labour Productivity. Estimation methods and results;
- Innovation Technologies in development and maintenance of different type and scale software (SEMAT, SAFe, Agile and other);
- Automated testing during development, maintenance and elaboration of software systems;
- Track: Technologies of Application Development in the field of Artificial Intelligence: what's new?
- Application systems development and implementation experience.
Section «Information-analytical system»
- Big Data Technologies in practice – digital economy and digital transformation user experience;
- New methods and technologies of IAS and DSS development in the new economy, including methods based on learning (trainable) computers;
- Telemedicine – needs, opprtunities, realities;
- Mathematical Methods in modern IAS;
- Expert systems in development of trainable and self-training computers;
- IAS development methods: experience in teaching based Big Data Technologies.
Accepted Proposals for the organization of new tracks and round tables.
When selected for inclusion in the conference program, all articles are reviewed by the Program Committee, which ensures their high quality. It is planned to hold a conference within the framework of the annual IEEE program with the publication of the best works in the form of conference proceedings at the Xplore publishing house, with the subsequent indexing of this publication in SCOPUS and Web of Science. In addition, it is planned to publish the complete collection of works on the CEUR-WS resource - European repository of the CEUR Workshop Proceedings with indexing in SCOPUS.